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      Although cloning brings benefits to human being on medical area and also agriculture field, we cannot doubt that side effects that potentially occur. Futhermore cloning is still not mature yet and need further R&D on it. Below are some of the disadvantages of cloning:


The uncertainty of science technology

            Science and technology cannot solve anything. Do we allow human cloning and have we ever thought of the result of that? Will the result be controllable and will it bring side effects to the environment and people around? This entire even scientist also cannot promise that they can. We take Dolly as an example, in cloning Dolly, it resulted in the death of many embryos and newborn before success achieved.

 The great diseases and leading to extinction

            As mentioned above, in cloning, human will be having identical genes with each other and animals will be the same with each other also, so as for plants. This means if one of the species getting attacks by virus or pathogen, others may be not able to defend against the same kind of disease. Then cloning will lead to a tremendous disaster to the species that get attack and lead to extinction of the species.



Losing the diversity of genes
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            Every species live on earth relies on the diversity of genes. And the diversity of the genes comes from the both parents that have different set of genes. It is clear that cloning take the copy genes from same organism. This will cause the lost of the gene diversity since only identical genes is copied for the cloning purpose.


Confusing in family life

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            Since cloning is come from a nucleus donor and an egg cell donor, the embryo will be implanted into the uterus maybe also from the different donor.
When the child is birth, who will be the parents of the child? This raises ethical questions to the family and the society itself.


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          what is cloning.JPG (5529 bytes)    animal cloning.JPG (5397 bytes)    plant cloning.JPG (4864 bytes)    advantage.JPG (4087 bytes)    disadvantage.JPG (4732 bytes)     exercise.JPG (3832 bytes)    edu links.JPG (6477 bytes)

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